Sónar 2015, the best electronic music bands in Barcelona

Sónar 2015, the best electronic music bands in Barcelona

The next 18, 19 and 20 June Barcelona will become, once again, in the capital of electronic music and technology thanks to the Sonar 2015, a festival that each year to strengthen his international attraction power. And like every season at this point, comes the big question: What will be the best bands and groups this year? Here we go!

For this edition, the festival has a truly remarkable billboard, beginning with the British incredible band Duran Duran (Saturday 20, 22:30h), english pop icon of the 80s that has passed the ‘reasonable figure’ of 100 million records sold and it will be presented for the first time at Sonar.

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Another of the most acclaimed groups presented this year is the english duet The Chemical Brothers (Saturday 20, 01:30h), creators of the electronic genre Big Beat and they are legendary in the world of electronic music. The ‘Chemical Brothers’ presented at Barcelona his new album «Born in the Ehoes», a show that promises hypnotic and unforgettable adrenaline.

In the festival will also be short of the british electropop band Hot Chip (Thursday 18, 21:50h and Friday 19, 01:15h) and the music producer and DJ, Jamie xx (Friday 19th, 02:30h) that surprises with his electronic sounds more relaxed. Do not forget that Hot Chip brings at Sonar his «Why Make Sense», fresh from the oven. This album promises to reaffirm the career band led by Alexis Taylor. Hot Chip will be presented twice this year: Sonar by Day and Sonar by Night. You will not have excuses to miss it.

Another must is the german Roman Flügel (Friday 19, 05:30h), that arrive to Sonar 2015 in what it’s perhaps his best moment, especially after the success of his latest album, «Hapiness is happening», that has not stopped to reap praise since his arrival to the stage last year.


The same goes with Flying Lotus (Saturday 20, 01: 15h), whom critics praise as a musical genius, especially after his last album, «You’re Dead,» based on his view of the world death.

Not to mention on this post Skrillex (Friday 19, 03: 15h), Die Antwoord (Fri 19, 01: 00h), A $ AP Rocky (Friday 19th, 22: 45h) and FKA Twigs (Sat 20, 23: 00h) would be a SA-CRI-LE-GE. Mindful of the latter, FKA Twigs, queen of the moment; a luxury have a true british artist in the lineup this year. Do not forget that it was included in 99.9% of the lists selected the best of Pop over 2014.

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What is Sonar?

Sónar is Barcelona, style, technology, entertainment, art, talent, electronics, culture and music festival. It goes beyond the music, a festival for everyone, even for those who fall prey to the experimental, with new sounds and sensations. This festival was born 1994 in Barcelona, intending to claim the alternative and electronic music. In just 21 years it has become a true global benchmark and totally cosmopolitan as it hosts 55% of international public and 45% nationally.

Sonar main intention is to gather under one name to the emerging groups and pioneers, along with those already established groups that are part of the music scene for years. For that reason we can see together on a poster to Duran Duran, the legendary group of 80 has already passed the barrier of 100 million records sold, with Flying Lotus, a contemporary musical producer that mixes styles like rap electronic music. For that reason it is the festival more suitable to learn about new trends in music and to enjoy the already established festival. In addition, we can also find exhibitions and conventions experts in new technologies or multimedia, as well as the latest trends in film and video art.

Sonar Barcelona 2015All this takes place for three days and three nights, we can find the Sonar by Day and Sonar by Night. The first takes place in the space of Fira Montjuïc, there concerts, showcases of various groups and the new Sonar & D part of the festival’s new media space together. Sonar by Night, zone Gran Via de l’Hospitalet, is where the most anticipated by most attendees, who are always accompanied by large stagings with light shows and concerts will take place audiovisual media.

All these groups are very difficult to see in Spain, so the Sonar 2015 is one of the only chances to see such world-renowned artists and with so much international success.

If you want access to the complete program, click here.


Apartamentos turisticos barcelona

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