September 11: La Diada. What is it?

September 11: La Diada. What is it?

The famous September 11 is approaching, and in Catalonia it has a special symbology currently and historically known as the National Day of Catalonia; To date there are more than 60,000 people registered to participate, mobility, t-shirts, songs, colors, paintings and posters that communicate the feelings and fervor of the community through the Catalan territory, the great participant: Barcelona, ​​the capital of the community Catalan.

This fall commemorates the fall of Barcelona at the hands of the Bourbon troops under the Duke of Berwick during the War of Spanish Succession. This victory led to the abolition of Catalan institutions after the promulgation of the New Plant Decrees, in 1716.
Although the war is lost at the time, it is recognized as a holiday to remember and redo the traditions of Catalan society, where you will see the participation of musicians, castellers, floral offerings in the statue of Don Rafael Casanova, it is executed from the Generalitat of Catalonia, part of the Citadel Park, with artists, gastronomic samples and of course there is the usual march through the city.
For more information about Catalan festivities and traditions, visit the official website of the Generalitat of Catalonia, if you want to book and be in Barcelona, ​​do not forget to get advice from experts.

Have the rest you deserve!

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